
 photo © 2002-2006 JOHN D.A. MACDONALD
The Franklin Trail website provides information about Canada's Arctic geography, environment, culture and history, exploring their interconnected influence on the shaping of European and Inuit interaction.
Since 1993 several excursions have been made to the high arctic, where we continue our archaeological survey of evidence and artifacts relating to the final days of the Franklin Expedition. Our explorations have taken us to various locations on King William Island and the west coast of the Boothia Peninsula.
Historical Overview
The Land
Arctic Survival
Our Expeditions
Daily log notes are available for the most recent expeditions. Follow the events as they happened and were reported day by day via satellite transmission.
We would like hear from you.
Archaeological inquiries can be sent to John MacDonald: jmacdonald@hotmail.com, but you must type the number 27 before the @ sign, so it looks like this: jmacdonald27 (to foil SPAMmers). Our apologies for the inconvenience.
For questions about the website, contact Karis@netscapades.com.