Daily Log - July 28, 1997

Webmaster's Note: It's after midnight here in southern Ontario, and I still have not heard from the team. Given the bad weather reported yesterday, I am quite concerned. I received e-mail today from Norm in Cambridge Bay via the Nunavut Tourism office. It contained news that there were strong winds from the west and that the plane was unable to pick up the team as planned. I don't know if that was just because of high winds or if it also means that the ice has again filled the bay. That still does not explain why there has been no report today. Perhaps the team has had to opt for Plan B, and they are in the process of moving everything to the inland lake. Perhaps something has happened to the satellite phone or the battery. All of their lighthearted jokes about polar bears don't seem quite so funny tonight. I will put up further information as soon as I receive it - no matter what the time.

Sun on tent The last glimpse of the midnight sun catches Derek's tent as gale force winds bring in heavy clouds.

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