(W: Early this evening I received an unexpected telephone call from Pat Lyall's wife, Leah. She said that she has heard from the wife of one of the guides that a 'couple of guys' were planning to go and visit the team tonight, 'to check out how they are doing'. She said she would get on the local radio and try to find out who went and see if she could get any more information from them.
She also said that Sam and Leah, who are her nextdoor neighbours, had just come in from their camp. She said she would speak to them as well and see how the team was doing when they last saw them.
When I called the Tulurialiks at 7:00 pm Taloyoak time, Lucy told me that Daniel had left to go and see the team at Oscar Bay. She assumed that he would be arriving there soon. The weather is windy and cloudy, and radio transmission has improved. She also repeated the message that the team is expecting to call me tomorrow on the satellite phone. Hopefully we will get a full report then.
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