Daily Log - August 22, 1998

The red light came on last night and I'm a bit nervous about running down the phone battery. We charged it up today and it's green now, so we're probably okay, but I'll keep it brief tonight.

Spread out to search
We got up between 8:00 and 8:30 this morning. After breakfast we decided we were going to head north. We covered what would have been about four miles in a straight line, but we didn't proceed in a straight line getting there. We spaced ourselves about 150 yards apart so we could comb the various ridges and zig-zagged back and forth. Then we went farther inland and did the same thing coming back. We walked about twelve miles, I suppose.

We found three or four cairns. One of them had been left by the army in 1967, and contained a note in a glass bottle. We're not sure if any one of them was Ross' cairn. Tomorrow we will head south and do the same thing over another five miles or so. Over the two days we will have covered the area pretty well. By then we should be able to sit down and figure out which one is Ross' cairn.

Doug cleaning caribou skin
It's another gorgeous day, bright and sunny without a cloud in the sky. There's no wind and the water is like glass. Temperatures are 10 -15 degrees C. Best of all, there are NO bugs. It's absolutely wonderful. I feel badly for the company that gave us the bug equipment since we're not able to field test it for them as we thought we would. But we're happy - we like it this way!

Of course, we're all tired, and our feet are killing us! I'm still the slowest one - Ron keeps a better pace than I do. (chuckle)

Meanwhile, back at the camp, Abel and Tommy got two more bearded seals, so they have three now. We had caribou loin steaks for supper tonight - and they were just beautiful. John MacDonald is still eating pasta - we haven't caught any fish yet.

We're eating well, the weather is perfect, and we're in good spirits. Talk to you tomorrow night.

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